The typical family structure of Freud's patients involved two parents and two children 弗洛伊德的病人的典型家庭结构是父母二人和两个孩子。
The Shippensburg study found unusual names were linked with other factors that make life harder for kids, such as a weaker family structure, poverty or low education. 西盆斯贝格大学的研究发现,与众不同的名字跟其他一些因素存在关联性,这些因素会让孩子的日子不好过,如家庭关系紧张、贫穷或受教育程度低等。
Also the lack of the traditional family structure and weakened bounds of kinship lower the moral of these children growing up in the urban areas. 此外,传统家庭结构的缺失和亲属联系的弱化,导致了在城市长大的孩子道德水准的下降。
But the trends seem too broad for family structure to be the only cause. 但这些趋势似乎过于广泛,以至于家庭结构不可能是唯一原因。
Adolescent family structure also has important implications for family formation among young adults. 青少年的家庭结构对年轻一代成年人家庭的形成有着重要的意义。
And must we lose the family structure in the process? 我们非得在这一过程中丧失原有的家庭结构吗?
These observations could be a reflection of the progressively westernized life style, with changes in cultural habits and family structure that have occurred in the past two decades. 这些观察可能是反影近二十年来,逐渐西化的生活模式,包括了文化习惯和家庭结构的转变。
Thus, they conclude that expanding the set of families that can eligibly get such grants would result in a marked strengthening of the low-income family structure. 因此,他们总结,扩大适当取得补助金的家庭范围,将会明显地加固低收入家庭结构。
More families consist of one-parent households or two working parents, consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure. 出现了也来越多的单亲家庭,和双亲工作的家庭。因此这些家庭孩子们可能比传统家庭要受到更少的监督。
Differences in sex, ages, children in school, family structure have negligible influence on Elementary School Volunteer's Social Capital. 国小志工家长个人变项对社会资本无差異者为:性别、年龄、有无子女在服务学校就讀以及家庭類型。
Taking care of parents is part of Chinese tradition but the country's one-child policy and the trend of people moving away for work have put strains on the traditional family structure. 照顾父母是中国的优良传统之一,但是独生子女政策和为工作远走他乡,使得传统的家庭关系越来越紧张。
Deteriorating family structure among the poor threatens to trap poor children at the bottom of the income ladder for life. 穷人中恶化的家庭结构迫使穷人的孩子陷于生活收入水平的最底层。
Changing on modern family structure and people's ideas imposes a trend of weak on traditional family providing for the aged. 由于现代家庭结构和人们思想观念的变化,传统的家庭养老模式出现了弱化趋势;
Institutionalized features of family structure and the social relations of reproduction reproduce themselves. 家庭结构的制度性特征和再生产的社会关系在自我再生产。
The Influences of Family Structure and Function Changes on the Development of Children 家庭结构与功能的变革对儿童发展与教育的影响
A Study of the Relationship between Family Structure and Children's Social Development& Taking the Rural Children in Wujin District as an Example 家庭结构与儿童社会性发展的关系研究&以武进区农村儿童为例
Children need a stable family structure to feel secure. 孩子们需要稳定的家庭结构才会有安全感。
A Study on the Family Structure of Floating People 流动人口的家庭结构&以北京市为例
Research on the "421" Family Structure and Design of Welfare and Security System for Armymen from One-child Family; Correlation between Social Support and Score of Happiness for Veteran Cadres 421家庭结构与独生子女军人的福利保障制度设计问题初探军队离退休干部社会支持度与幸福度相关研究
This research carries on the numerical analysis to the residential energy consumption and cost during life cycle, based on the occupants life style and family structure change. 本研究在考虑住宅全寿命周期内家庭生活方式及成员构成变化的基础上,对住宅全寿命周期的能耗及成本进行数值分析。
Research on the Influence of Changing Family Structure to Old-security Pattern in Rural Area 家庭结构变动对农村养老保障模式影响的研究
The most dangerous family structure is when the mother cohabits with a boyfriend who is not the father of the child. 最危险的家庭结构是母亲同居与不是孩子的父亲的男朋友。
If they're blessed like Bynum, they have a strong family structure that can help them along the way. 如果他们像拜纳姆一样幸运的话,他们有一个强大的家庭支持他们度过难关。
A Study on Relationship between Family Structure of Urban Residents and Behaviors of Recreation& A Case Study in Changsha City 城市居民家庭结构与游憩行为关系研究&以长沙市为例
What matters most regardless of family structure is what happens within the family. 不管家庭是何种结构,关系最大的是家庭的内部行为。
Analyzed socially and psychologically, these problems are caused by the change of family structure, discrepancy in education concept, influence of the atmosphere and characteristics of children. 从社会学、心理学的角度看,造成这四种现象的原因有家庭结构的变化、教养观念的偏差、教育氛围的影响及儿童自身的特点。
The family structure of the Chinese type is more complicated, the traditional of happy family is all family lives together including grandparent and great-grandparent. 中国式的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。
Research on the Key Technologies of the Configuration Module Selection and the Product Family Structure Rationalization 配置模块选择与产品族结构合理化关键技术研究
Successful demographic transition should take into account the lowest boundary line of family planning and reconstruct the stable family structure. 成功的人口转变需要坚守计划生育的底线伦理和重建坚强有力的家庭结构。
Then there is deteriorating family structure among the poor. 穷人中的家庭结构也在逐渐恶化。